
RealInRio歌詞-Rio(里約大冒險電影原聲帶)AllthebirdsofafeatherDowhattheylovemostofallWearethebestatrhythmandlaughterThat'swhywe ...,ListentoRealInRioonSpotify.JesseEisenberg,JamieFoxx,AnneHathaway,GeorgeLopez,,TheRioSingers·Song·2011.,RealinRioistheopeningandendingsongofRio.ItwasperformedbyAnneHathaway,JesseEisenberg,,JamieFoxx,GeorgeLopez,andTheRio ...,RealInRioAllthebirdsofaf...

Real In Rio - Rio (里約大冒險電影原聲帶)

Real In Rio歌詞- Rio (里約大冒險電影原聲帶) All the birds of a feather Do what they love most of all We are the best at rhythm and laughter That's why we ...

Real In Rio

Listen to Real In Rio on Spotify. Jesse Eisenberg, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, George Lopez,, The Rio Singers · Song · 2011.

Real in Rio | Rio Wiki

Real in Rio is the opening and ending song of Rio. It was performed by Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg,, Jamie Foxx, George Lopez, and The Rio ...

Real In Rio 歌詞R.I.O. ※

Real In Rio All the birds of a feather Do what they love most of all We are the best at rhythm and laughter That's why we love carnival Possibly we can sing ...